History Of The Hope Diamond

The Hope diamond is one of the most noted diamonds in history. It is surrounded by myth and has an incredibly intriguing past

History Of The Hope Diamond

History Of The Hope Diamond

Anytime there is a legend surrounding a piece of jewelry, it always becomes fresh intriguing No distrust many hold heard of the Hope diamond, and according to the legend, a curse befell the vast melancholy aficionado when it was stolen from India The voodoo foretold of not reasonable mouldy luck, but death for the innkeeper and all who touched it

The saga may or may not be true, depending upon what you believe, but the Hope diamond has most definitely intrigued people for hundreds of years The vast size, irregular color, and whole merit make it one of the most beautiful and blatant diamonds in the world. When you homogenize that with the bewitching history, the Hope diamond is really device special


As bestiary has it, several centuries ago, a partner named Tavernier went to India where he stole a bulky unhappy diamond from the forehead (eye) off a monument of the Hindu goddess Sita He then traveled to Russia to sell the diamond, where he was subsequently torn apart by beastly dogs for his transgression. This is the elite death attributed to the curse

While this is the legend, it hasn’t been confirmed that this is actually what happened In 1642, a French jeweler named Jean Baptiste Tavernier traveled to India where he purchased a 112 3/16 carat blue diamond. He later sold the great woebegone diamond to Louis XIV and was made a respectable before his death at 84. It is not exactly avowed how he died

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French Kings

King Louis XIV had the diamond recut to enhance its brilliance, down to 67 1/8 carats He named it as “Blue Diamond of the Crown” and would often wear the diamond on a ribbon around his snog It was then believed that Louis XIV and his wife, Marie Antoinette, were beheaded during the French Revolution because of the sorrowful diamond’s curse

While it is true that Marie Antoinette and the King of France were indeed beheaded, it is fresh likely due to the truth that they led an extravagant life and this was at the height of the French Revolution During this time, the crown jewels, including the melancholy diamond, were taken from the royals and placed in the Garde-Meuble Unfortunately, this was not well unharmed and the Garde-Meuble was repeatedly robbed Most of the gems were second recovered, but the sorrowful diamond was not.

Present Day

The diamond changed hands many times in the successive few centuries after the French Revolution, until it was finally brought to the United States in 1901 by an American jeweler named Simon FrankelEventually it ended up in the hands of Pierre Cartier who sold it to a female named Evalyn McLean After her death in 1949, her jewelry was sold off to settle some debts She too was verbal to have suffered some ill fate in her life, maybe due to the diamond’s curse.

Harry Winston purchased the diamond in 1949 and donated the diamond to be worn for charities Later he donated the Hope diamond to the Smithsonian Institution in 1958. It passive resides in the National Gem and Mineral Collection in the National Museum of Natural History for all to see

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By Hong