Yet Another Wireless Telephone Virus

Yet another wireless telephone virus is on the loose. You may remember Cabir sightings in varied countries Wellnow the Commwarrior virus is spreading to wireless phones worldwide via MMS and Bluetooth Not only entrust it blight your phone, but consign ring-up your phone bill by sending numerous MMS messages in the middle of the night Commwarrior could potentially be much bigger disaster than Cabir – via MMS it can leap from one simple to another young

Yet Another Wireless Telephone Virus

Yet Another Wireless Telephone Virus

Commwarrior monitors the phone’s clock and spreads over Bluetooth during daytime (from 08:00 to midnight) and spreads via MMS during the night (from midnight to 07:00) The worm sleeps at serendipitous times between sending the messages, more slowing down the spreading

And of course, sending MMS messages is expensive Lets do a hardly math here How many phone numbers do you have in your phone? How much does sending one MMS price you? Assuming, say, 500 numbers and 0.50 per message, that would payment you 250 Of course, that cash wouldn’t go back to the virus writer, but in any circumstance we’re utterance about a vile band originate here

When Commwarrior arrives via MMS, the user sees a communication that contains social engineering words and an attachment Unlike in Bluetooth replication, where the practice installer starts automatically after receipt bulletin (of circumgyration with normal installation dialog), user has to reprocess the SIS succession attachment from MMS before the installer starts.

Thus recipience infected with Commwarrior over MMS takes even other steps than Cabir over Bluetooth, which is probably one of the reasons why we haven’t empitic distribution in larger range But as we know, kinsfolk are curious, and there are always some family who consign install Commwarrior. Especially since via MMS they seem to receive the file from someone they understand

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Commwarrior infected phones can be chewed disinfected with by surfing to mobile.f-securecom and downloading F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus – or manually with a third bunch queue director And telecom operators can scrutinize the MMS traffic for viruses using a suitable tool, for paradigm F-Secure Mobile Filter

One worrying aspect is that connections do not seem to understand that they should collision Anti-Virus companies when phones secure infected. In many cases where kinsfolk earn their phones infected, ring size chart, they ask offices from fresh users in the expressive newsgroups and dialogue forums

This is blighted since, they might secure fusty advice, such as directions to design their phones, while using Anti-Virus or disinfection gadget would be enough Also it is problematic for the Anti-Virus companies, since without user reports it is fatiguing for them to keep course of the developments in the moving field. And it is impossible for them to provide guaranteed detection for new malware, without receiving a exemplification of it finest

So do gulch expression around, that if someones phone gets infected, he/she should results an Anti-Virus band for assistance Advice costs naught and it helps them to have up to date with whats going on

By Hong